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greenSand cleans up CO2 by weathering Olivine

greenSand Stock plc.

Based on the projection of the CO2 situation in the Netherlands, there is an annual need for around 9 million tons of CO2 to be cleaned. Worldwide, this amounts to about 250 million tons of carbon dioxide, which must be removed by both natural and technical solutions. It is projected that about 50% will be cleaned by technological and 50% by natural solutions. One of the latter is greenSand Olivine. greenSand Stock plc. believes that everyone worldwide should benefit from having CO2 permanently removed. We can already help each other by scaling up CO2 removal. When the amount of this gas reduces, the whole world will be positively influenced, and that is precisely why all should enjoy the prosperity of the greenSand company. The stock certificates ensure that all share certificate holders are involved in the company, share in the profit, and provide support to each other in less prosper times. The corporate goal of greenSand Stock is to combat climate change by permanently removing as much CO2 as possible.

greenSand Stock N.V. has many different tasks. For example, it takes care of importing Olivine, the certification, the batch inspections, but it also issues the cleanup certificates with which greenSand removes CO2. greenSand Stock is the international player within the chain and is

increasingly focusing on global marketing. In addition to private investors, the National Green Fund has partly financed greenSand’s Olivine stocks since 2017. With greenSand stock certificates, everyone has the opportunity to contribute to a healthy future.

greenSand controlling body

The voting rights associated with the ordinary shares are exercised by the STAK, which is the controlling body. The STAK represents the interests of the certificate shareholders and is established to distribute the stock certificate holders’ profit. In addition, its task is to monitor the mission of greenSand and of its certificate holders. The stock certificates give right to dividend and are registered in the register of the STAK.

Eddy Wijnker has donated all his shares to the STAK, reasoning, “I want greenSand to fulfil its mission and to achieve the maximum return for our certificate holders. Everyone in the world benefits from cleaning up CO2. The social return is high and is shared with all stakeholders. We share the profit together.” greenSand, the STAK and the certificate holders guarantee the mission. greenSand is accountable to its sole shareholder, the STAK. This is done by publishing the annual reports. The STAK is responsible for the certificate holders. Also, there is a conversation between greenSand and its certificate holders, and a joint effort is made to accomplish the mission.

Eddy Wijnker


Liselotte ten Bosch

Business Development Manager

Pol Knops

Research and Development 

Anita Doornbos

Marketing and sales

Pieter der Weduwen


Sabine Doornbos

Social Media 

Giulia Finardi

Content Marketing Intern 

Maarten & Jelle


Erik van Hunnik
