Ed mentioned they could find more about it on Apollo 15. Ed's jet caught fire and he was forced to eject. SPOILERS AHEAD! But we get up there anyway, and we keep taking the risks. Edward Ed Baldwin is one of the main characters in For All Mankind. He is a NASA astronaut who misses the chance to land on the moon with Apollo 10. He said that he was very upset and had overreacted, but she says that he has a special look when every launch goes up or when he talks about Pathfinder. Soi cu x s uy tn. He says goodbye and takes a shower, puts on his spacesuit and goes outside, taking pictures. Coop told him that the relief tube in spacesuits was made for man parts, which Molly would not be able to use lest she made a mess of herself. Kelly tells him that she had decided on Annapolis, which surprises him, and he refuses, getting angry and telling Kelly to go to her room. Baldwin's Service Ribbon Bar contains several inaccuracy: He is wearing 3 Vietnam ribbons, despite being on staff with NASA as an astronaut during the eligibility dates of 1966-1973 for all three awards. The four surviving Mercury 7 astronauts at a reception after Shepard's memorial service in 1998. As the cranky but good-hearted astronaut Ed Baldwin in For All Mankind, Kinnaman admits, "I'm basically playing my own dad now." By Ryan Britt Published: Aug 12, 2022 Save Article This. However, Deke arrives at his house, and they discuss a change in his crew. He mentions that he had promised himself never to let that happen again, always being there for Karen and Kelly to protect them. They shook hands, and said goodbye. Thomas tells them that the Soviets had agreed to mount a mission with them on the Moon, which nobody likes. He asks Ed what he needed to do, and Ed told him to act like a man since he was an astronaut and started mocking him. The Apollo 10 crew is introduced as Edward Baldwin and Gordo Stevens (Joel Kinnaman and Michael Dorman), instead of Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan. Thomas reminded her that the jets were expensive; Margo also told Molly that she should set a certain tone, but Molly reminded them that she would handle them as she saw fit. He told Ed to have dinner with his new crewmate, Molly, along with Frank Sedgewick so they would get to know each other. He tells her to put it down, but she tells him it was not a joke. The men told her it was important because if they did not do it, then the mission would just be a publicity stunt. They are joined by Thomas, Margo, and Molly who pauses the recordings and asks them to give her a good reason why she should not pull their tickets. Asking why he had gone through with it, Neil talks about the risk taking that is involved in taking calls while flying. Newsweek reporter Paul Santoro walks into Outpost, and asks the astronauts what they thought about the event, but nobody wants to comment about it. Ed asks Piscotty what he can do for him and Gary says he wanted to talk about his career, which he realized was a big deal. While Ed worked out, he got a telex from the Soviets, sending him their sympathies about his son. AstronautChief Astronaut (NASA, former)InstructorTest pilot Ed radios 24 and tells them that Houston was working on a fix, but Deke says that there would be no time for him to dock. She refused, but Ed told her he would be bringing her back up. Ed works on painting a small biplane, when he gets a call. Kelly asks Ed what he had written his essay about when he had gotten into Annapolis, but Ed said he did not remember, and told her to simply tell them who she was, which left her stumped. Ed tells her that they can not expect to hold the mission then, since she would be alone and could not leave the base after everything that had happened. She reveals that she slept with someone else and she did it sober and knowingly. On the Moon's surface, Molly got her picture taken by Ed after they planted the Moon, and was later told the president wanted to speak to her, which she could not believe. She said she wanted to be the first African-American woman to command a mission since she did not want to be seen as weak. They are told that Pathfinder's missiles were primarily for self-defense, which makes Sally question if they would be used for offensive purposes, but Margo tells them that that is not the mission plan. He teases her about getting old, but she tells him that DOD was taking over his mission and tells him about the Buran situation. Ed asked her if she was okay and she told them she needed to adjust, but had just found bedrock. Ed got home and walked in, seeing Karen and their adopted daughter Kelly happy. She tries to avoid telling him, but he reminds her of the pact they had made to not keep secrets from one another. "Negative, they're not showing up on our radar," responds Gary Piscotty (Michael Benz). If he can pass the flight physical, it shouldn't be a problem. They neared Shackleton, which was dark, but it was time for them to find a landing spot. "What I found really fascinating was all these accounts from astronauts that looked back at Earth from a distance and for so many of them, that was a transformational experience seeing that little blue orb in this vast ocean of black," he said. When she dropped her hammer, Ed also told her she could not just pick it up, since if she bent in her suit, she could not get further than 20 inches off the ground. Molly and Ed got on a rover in order to practice moving on the Moon. Edward was born in 1932[Citation needed] in Gary, Indiana. Thomas tried to convince Ed that to be on-board with the Pathfinder problems. Along with Baldwin, Gordo Stevens (Michael Dorman) is seen aboard the capsule. After Molly says Ed could be the mars commander because of his experience in a crisis, he then promptly faces and is useless in a crisis. Shane asks Karen why everything is about her, and Karen tells him that she is the first woman astronaut, but Shane reminds him that Ed is her boss. For All Mankind Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Molly told Ed that all she was doing was adjusting the locking harness out of the way, but she was ready. Karen says that it was good for Kelly to know what it was like when situations like this happened. They were celebrated on their way to the Apollo 15, and Aleida made her way through a crowd gathered to watch the takeoff. During a jet flying test, Ed instructed Tracy how to land. Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) pilots the Apollo 10 mission, which misses its chance to complete a moon-landing. Deke told him that the women were doing desert survival training, which surprised Thomas. Later, they both got on a rover in which Ed explained that once she figured out how to use it, they would move onto the 1/6th G-rig which would better simulate its movements on the Moon. Ed was not answering NASA's messages. He apologized to Gordo for having not talked to him sooner, but Gordo told him it was okay. Gordo told him to cut it out lest he do something about it. In real life, Deke Slayton passed away in 1993 due to brain tumor. Bradford tells Margo to ask about the overhead lights, so the astronauts check and find that Mikhail had managed to plant a bug at Jamestown when he was with Ed. Haziran 8, 2022 . Bradford and Ed can not see any other solution to the problem, but Ellen reminds them that even if they could modify guns in order to be used on the Moon, no astronaut was qualified to use them. He was a pilot in the Korean War, so he was probably born around 1925 or possibly a few years later. The Apollo 15 crew has dinner in order to get to know each other. Kelly starts singing a navy song, and both her parents join in. Although Molly gave the position to him, Margo Madison rescinded Molly's decision and subsequently fired her. After the conversation with Houston, it appears that their "Hi Bob" tape was fixed, but the tape is ruined after a while. On November 29, 1974, Ed tells Shane that an action of his was an embarrassment to his entire family since he was supposed to be the man of the house, while Karen listens. However, Deke mentions they do not even have a site, which angers Thomas, telling him to "just pick one." However, the story is an alternate rendition of the truth behind the moon landing. After the funeral, Ed and Karen hug and both go their separate ways after Kelly hugs him as well. He commanded the US end of Apollo-Soyuz, while Alexi Leonov commanded the Soviet end. However, when Thomas nods at him, Ed apologizes and mentions he has done enough damage. Deke Slayton, the astronaut Office Head, Mission Control Chief Gene Kranz, and NASA Administrator Thomas O. Paine are also featured in their respective capacities. Gordo tells her that there was more to being an astronaut than just going to space, but said she was tired of reminiscing. However, Ed reminded him that he was the one who decided. Simulating the Pathfinder, Ed, Sally and Gary try firing it, shooting both targets successfully. After he loses, he goes to Ed who is manning the bar. More likely, it should be "June 30", which would correspond with the real life release day of Newsweek during that era, Mondays, and would also fit best into the episode's time flow.In the episode's timeline, Deke's presentation of the article to Ed seemingly happened on July 1, after June 30 (dead of Aleida's mother, seen at 24:32) but before July 2 (14 days to Apollo 11 launch, seen at 34:52 and said at 37:26). He was a member of the crews of Gemini 4 and Apollo 1 . Ed and his crew are provided a ground-breaking opportunity when Roscosmos proposes a joint mission to extract water they have discovered under the planets surface. Good men die in test planes all the time. Personal Information Ed makes it to NASA and looks at his board and eyes his Pathfinder model with a smile. Maybe they have advanced stem cell therapies, too? At the end, Tracy landed the jet smoothly, which Deke liked. Molly told him that she never had a kid since it seemed like a lot of work. Gordo thanks him and tells him he is ready; when his helmet is placed on his head, he smiles at Ed and the two shake hands before his launch. Don Pettit is 66 and is still an active astronaut, selected in the class of '96, so pretty rare but not impossible for Ed. Sandman asks him to talk to the committee and see what he has to say about everything. Later, as Ed sleeps on the couch, he wakes up and goes to his bed, where his wife invites him. Tracy's turn was first, so she got in, and started flying, while Gordo drove his car. Molly mentioned they were celebrating for nothing, since she had not done anything yet, but Ed countered by saying that she had strapped herself on top of a quarter million tons of high explosive for government pay, which was something. Ed tells them that they saw a weakness in them and Bradford tells them that they were their last hope. Apollo 15 started to reach the lunar surface, headed for Shackleton Crater. In reality, the astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, Eugene A. Cernan, and John W. Young were a part of the original mission. Danielle asks him when Gordo would finally be allowed to go back outside, since she had been getting a bad vibe from him lately, but Ed told her that his friend would be fine. He says he does, but not as much as he thought he would. Ed tells him that he does not like redheads and tells him to trust him. However, Ed removed the oxygen from the room he was in, and suffocated him till he lost consciousness. Later, because of a political problem with Wernher von Braun, he was asked to testify in front of a committee. And Shatner just took a joyride on a ballistic flight at age 90. He opened his parachute and headed straight for water. Kinnaman echoed the sentiment in an interview with Men's Journal, describing Edward as "an all-American character, a little bit conservative, who goes through an absolutely transformational event.". It depicts an alternate history where the Soviets complete the first manned Moon landing and the Cold War-era space race never ended. Mikhail noticed that the lights were flickering in a pattern, which they read as morse code. Later, the three astronauts discover a frequency which they find strange and cannot figure out. Ed, Gordo, and Danielle start getting desperate over a phone call with Buzz and were told that they needed two more weeks and were being sent a surprise this time. Pathfinder was briefed about the situation in Jamestown. Ed tries teaching Shane to ride a bike, but he keeps falling. In an interview with Newsweek, Baldwin claimed that "The NASA doesn't have guts anymore." The Soviet entered the base and put his suit down, showing Ed he had no weapons as well. Ellen says that they were recuperating and told Ed that life support systems should be doing fine, but the Mars program would have to be put on hold, also mentioning that the fuel rods were damaged. Ed was devastated to hear that Shane had died. When Ellen makes it to the Moon, they stand in front of Shane's grave and drop Deke's pin on the ground, also burying him next to Shane's grave. In Apple's For All Mankind, Joel Kinnaman stars as Edward Baldwin, an astronaut working at NASA during the '60s space race alongside Buzz Aldrin (Chris Agos), Neil Armstrong (Jeff Branson), and John Glenn (Matt Battaglia). The three hug each other and Kelly gives Ed the Popeye action figure. Forcing himself to wake up, he looks out the window. He told Ed he can get drunk with Gordo, and watch it on TV or go on Apollo 15. Season(s) Ed told him that he had it under control, but Mikhail told him that he was not in Korea anymore and told him that they had no choice but to trust each other, asking him to let him help. Buran had missile lock on Sea dragon 17, so Ed sits down again, telling her he would do what he had to and shoots Sea Dragon down. Pathfinder gets a radio in which they are told they were violating a space treaty and would be fired at if Sea Dragon did not leave immediately. Ed, Gary, and Sally are told by Bradford and Margo that the president had armed Pathfinder, so the mission would now be a joint mission between NASA and the Department of Defense. Date of birth Danielle asked what would become of Gordo, and Ed told her that he would be sent to the shrinks, but it was clear that his career was over and would never be allowed to fly anything ever again. Margo tells him that the base have been predicated on proximity to water ice, and they had yet to identify where they could find water ice. Ed had his heart set on shepherding NASA's first Mars mission, but Molly. He reminds Ed that he had been there for 37 hours and tells him that everybody would believe he had died. Michael Dorman as Gordo Stevens: An astronaut who is married to an experienced pilot and NASA recruit. Ed agrees, and so does Karen; he apologizes for having said what he said, also saying that he did not want her to leave. At Sea Dragon launch control, everyone got ready for Pathfinder and Sea Dragon's launch, which worried Margo. Its not a huge stretch to think that with a far more active space presence, NASA would need to keep more astronauts around for longer than in our timeline. If you are wondering the same, we have got your back! Ed told him Karen had been going through the same, but Molly concluded it was necessary to move the ball forward for mankind. I am willing to overlook it to see Joel Kinnaman in space. However, Deke told them that the training would not be continued that day, since it was time to be pissed about the events, suggesting they take the weekend off to get drunk and blow off steam. Karen leaves Tracy flowers. The third member of the crew is Sally Ride, a real. Baldwin was the commander of Apollo 10, which traveled 8 miles from the Moon and served as a test flight for Apollo 11. On Jamestown, Ed, Gordo, and Danielle are being told a new contractor was being used for the LH2 valve, but there was a mishap when the rocket was being built and were told that it would take time, so Apollo 24 would be delayed yet another two weeks. Joel Kinnaman as astronaut Ed Baldwin in Apple TV+'s new sci-fi drama 'For All Mankind.' Photo Courtesy of Apple TV+. Sea Dragon launched successfully while Bradford and Ellen watched Pathfinder's launch. However, a shocking turn of events in the seventh episode will undoubtedly make viewers fear Eds fate. After the mission, Edward runs his mouth to a reporter about how the space program's director, Wernher von Braun (Colm Feore) is holding them back, and he's banned from flying. He later loses his temper at his office and punches a hole in the wall. He mentions that Danny had been there, but that the ants were real. On the program, Tracy greets the host and tells him that she had returned from being in Rio and Aruba, also stopping at Vegas before returning. 60 days after the explosion of Apollo 23, Ed, Danielle, and Gordo were still on the Moon conducting experiments, while receiving supplies via unmanned Titan rockets while they waited for NASAs board of inquiry to identify the cause of the desaster. Edward remembered it differently, but he told him that there was enough ice for everyone. Deke berated Ed for what he said to the press. Ed calls Gordo and is asked by his friend if he knew about it, but Ed mentions he did not and asks if Gordo is okay and if he needed some company, but Gordo says he would be fine. Ed told them that he would tell Houston the truth, which was that they had a medical situation, which he should have listened to before, especially with Danielle's warnings. Later, Ed wakes up and goes to work, meeting up with Deke Slayton whom he asks when he can fly again. He told them that the activity for that day would be to perform basic takeoff and landing maneuvers with each of them flying an altitude of 300 feet, hover 30 seconds, execute a 360 clockwise spin, hover for another 30 seconds, and land on a target. However, he told her that he would not be able to concentrate until she told him. He tells Shane he wrote his name on the Moons surface, which would now remain there for many years. Ed approached him and told him that they should go for a walk. However Deke tells him the decision is not only his since he had pissed off a lot of people. ", Eugene Levy Hints At A Schitts Creek Revival, Heres What Happened To Riley In 'The Last Of Us' Video Game, 'The Umbrella Academy' Season 4 Has Added "A Trifecta Of Actor Greatness", '1923' Season 2 Will Reportedly Start Filming This Spring, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. I thought for example last season that Molly wouldn't go completely blind and be saved by some newly developed techniques. is ed baldwin a real astronaut. They found a good spot, and were able to land successfully on the Moon's surface. He gets out of bed and walks to model what he was working on. When asked what he would have said, he mentions "I'm Gordo Stevens and I come in peace. Molly mentioned she had never wanted a cigarette more, and Ed told her she had come a long way as Mission Control, Karen, and Molly's husband Wayne celebrated their landing. Molly Cobbs character is based on Geraldyn M. Cobb, a candidate who successfully completed the training for the Mercury 13 program (NASA did not sanction the program). (Apple TV+) Gene corrected him, telling Thomas Margo was a flight dynamics officer and was making a good point. Ed said that she could do that, but said that she should pack her bags an never come back. Ed tells the news to his wife, who asks him if he would be sitting behind a desk, which he denies. Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) pilots the Apollo 10 mission, which misses its chance to complete a moon-landing. Joking, Ed asked if they made him go through customs when he returned from the Moon. She tells him that he does not like living in the gray, which Ed does not understand. Getting to the point, Ed tells Molly that both he and Sedge have a lot of experience, so if she followed their lead, she would have nothing to worry about. Margo laughed, but Thomas told Ed to prep the crew. Ed, Gary Piscotty, and Sally Ride simulated flying the Pathfinder and they ran into a problem. Baldwin was supposed to command Apollo 15 too, but for this interview, he was removed from the mission and assigned to the Apollo Applications ProgramW. He thanked his supervisor, and sent Gordo and Danielle on their way. However, in Mission Control they mentioned Mollys oxygen consumption was greater than expected and would only be able to keep that rhythm up for another two minutes. She started hitting when she was thirty meters from the baseline, but did not land a good blow. Karen thought it was ridiculous, but Ed mentioned he had heard a rumor that Deke had threatened to resign. He leaves dressed up in his suit and makes himself a cereal. And that's why we lost the Moon. John Glenn was basically a glorified passenger at that point, not leading the first manned mission to Mars. Deke Slayton also had his one and only spaceflight on Apollo-Soyuz. Deke told Thomas that the crew would decide and left. At a meeting in NASA, the possibility of ice being on the Moon was discussed. He tells them that there would be a Jamestown 81 debrief and that he had a new flight assignment to announce. Ed told Danielle that the Soviets were crafty and they were still on their part of the crater, which was theirs since they had planted the flag first. Ed makes it to the bar and tells Gordo to go for a walk with him. Gary Piscotty greets Ed, who is putting in his office. Kinnamans character is part of several ongoing storylines which would end on an anti-climactic note if Ed were to die. She looks out and is able to spot the Soviet base in the distance, so Ed immediately informs Weisner, who tells him that he would inform the White House and they were told to keep doing business as usual. Gender Ed arrives and tells them that he had car trouble. The treatment of Ed specifically is one of those places the show deviates so badly from any kind of plausible alternate history. Kinnaman told Men's Journal in the aforementioned interview. As he drove, he saw a fire at NASA and drove back only to see firefighters swarming the area. On a rocket simulator, Molly got into her spacesuit, while Ed helped her. The men raced to Outpost Tavern, declaring the last one to get there would buy the drinks. Karen asks Ed if he thinks that it was his fault, and he says that Shane had been angry at him and he was not on Earth, but Karen tells him that it had been an accident and says that thinking back to that day was just torturing themselves. As of 1983, Ed has been promoted to the rank of Admiral in the US Navy and is Chief of the Astronaut Office at NASA for over 8 years. Ed tells Bradford and Margo that the only way that the Soviets knew about the lithium on the site was because they had cracked their code, despite NASA changing the encryption keys every month. Ed tries to break the silence between him and Karen by saying he wanted to watch a movie, but she spoils it for him and leaves him to eat dinner alone. Danny rushes to bring Ed to the med bay, but the duo gets caught up in a giant sand storm. He told him that they went to see him a year ago, but that Elvis was a joke now, but Mikhail told him that Elvis would always be king, but Ed mentioned that Sinatra would always be the one. Edward Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) is integral to the shows narrative as he leads the Helios Mars Mission as its Commander. They have nuclear fission in this timeline. [note 1] Deke tells him von Braun wants him reassigned to the Apollo Applications Program effective immediately, telling him he was to blame for being taken off Apollo 15, even mentioning that von Braun wanted him off the project completely. They reminisce about Shane when he was younger and Karen mentions that nowadays, it always seemed like Shane did not have enough time. He recognizes that Ed had been through worse things, like Shane's death, but he had found a way to make peace. The heroic Ed Baldwin has left his post as head of the astronaut program to command Pathfinder's first mission. Sally does as he tells him, but points her gun at him. She went down another 20 feet. Gordo just laughs and Danielle tells him that everything is getting out of control. Moments later, the launch began, and was successful. However, Ed told her that he had to follow orders until relieved. The actor is arguably best-known for his performance as Rick Flag in the DC Comics superhero films, such as Suicide Squad and its sequel The Suicide Squad. Kinnaman is credited as a series regular throughout the shows first three seasons. He is surprised to see actual dinner being made and asks if it is a special occasion. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Everybody likes the idea of that, and Thomas asks Ed to choose a crew. Gordo told Ed that there were ten minutes left to launch, Ed then thanked Mikhail and gave the Soviet back the part to the rover and gave him his monitoring device. They started working on it, and Margo told them that they did not have a lot of time. Ed told her she was not a good father, since he could not teach Shane how to ride a bike, which was different from teaching Molly. Ed tells her that the pilots just were not ready, but she tells him that that was not good enough. Karen tells him to take it back, and pushes him, while saying that she did not know what had gotten into him. The Soviet tells him he was not looking for anything there, and Ed asks him what the device was he had left there since it was his territory. He is a fictional character who is one of the lead astronauts in the series. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin are also depicted in the series. Joel Kinnaman as NASA astronaut Ed Baldwin in "For All Mankind" on Apple TV+. He makes it to the meeting room, where he immediately grabs a cup of coffee. Ed then called NASA and contacted Gordo and Danielle. Danielle asks who would be taking command of the astronaut office, and Ed laughs. Ed celebrated going back to space with Gordo and Danielle. They look at the cosmonauts and turn back from the Moon. On the Moon, Molly thanks Ed for vouching for her not to have a diaper as they clean their spacesuits. Poppy Northcutt, the first woman to work in a technical capacity in the Apollo Mission program, is also referred to in the series. Karen interrupted the men, telling them the Soviets were now on the Moon again, revealing that a woman, Anastasia Belikova had now landed on the Moon, which now qualified as a historic moment for women across the world, since she was the first woman on the Moon. Ed orders him to speak English. Gordo is woken up by a woman calling from JSC, who tells him that a weekly staff meeting had been moved to that day. At Kennedy Space Center, a nervous Gordo and his crew prepare for the launch. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Deke walks in and reminds them only two weeks were left until the launch. Gene Kranz gives a conference to Ed, Gordo, Margo, Thomas, Deke, and others, saying that a man had been buried on the Moon, which the Soviets were keeping quiet. Danielle told his old crewmates that she wanted to go back to the Moon. He told her to just keep her eyes on the road, to which she responded that she had learned that in driver's ed. The original mission talked to him sooner, but Ed mentioned they find! That Danny had been there, but Molly concluded it was good for Kelly to protect.! As head of the pact they had made to not keep secrets from one another tells. The gray, which worried Margo she tries was ed baldwin a real astronaut avoid telling him, Ed removed oxygen! Had found a way to make peace looks out the window in Gary, Indiana enough damage treatment. Of Ed specifically is one of the lead astronauts in the wall joyride on a rover order! 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