greenSand Olivine
Decorative aggregate that removes CO2!
greenSand Olivine
Decorative aggregate that removes CO2!
greenSand Olivine
Decorative aggregate that removes CO2!
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Olivine could be found among our products also in the form of decorative stones useful to create cozy and beautiful pathways and decorations that capture CO2 from the atmosphere. When using Olivine decorative stones, you can enjoy the creation of a sustainable landscape and mitigating the climate change effects! You can create a natural rock garden. Do you like the idea of combining the stone with plants and other elements in your garden to frame and structure the space in a way that appeals to you? Gravel, pebbles, and other small stones can all be used to decorate the garden.

Pebbles are not only a great way of creating garden paths, but also to remove the pesky weeds so that to avoid interfering with trees and bushes. If you want to build a garden fountain, stream or pond then you will need a pond liner and gravel. Polished or black rocks can also look very attractive. If you want to complete the beautiful design of the garden with stones, you can also use a bench and stone figures. Replacing other types of stones with Olivine adds valuable ecological dimensions to it by making a contribution to a healthier planet!