greenSand Olivine Walking paths
Municipality Boxtel cleans 174 ton CO2
greenSand Olivine driveway
Golf club de Pan removes 35 ton COs2 with greenSand
greenSand Olivine Parking Lot
Clean up CO2 next to your office with greenSand
greenSand Olivine Stock
Self-binding gravel that removes CO2 permanently
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Self-binding Olivine Gravel

greenSand Olivine products could be used as paving materials for the surfaces, such as parking lots, squares and walking/cycling paths to make them capture and remove CO2!
When rolled, the gravel binds together to provide a self-compacted surface which remains firmer underfoot than conventional loose aggregate.
Crushed Olivine makes a fantastic, stable surface for paths and pavements. greenSand self-binding Olivine gravel is also water-permeable .

greenSand Cycling Paths

Cycling paths could become a wonderful experience for your citizens by creating Olivine paths that respect the environment and the nature around! Also, your tires will make a lovely crackling sound while cycling through nature. However, it is not only about biking experience. You can add the awareness of doing something healthy without stopping to respect and protect nature! Moreover, greenSand Olivine products add magnesium to the soil according to the “slow release’ principle” by providing safe and useful nutrients to the earth.

greenSand Parking Lots

Parking lots could be built up without impacting the nature around! By using Olivine, it is possible to clean and remove CO2 from the atmosphere, respect the nature around and provide soil nutrition. Thanks to the anti-slippery attributes, Olivine parking lots are a perfect fit for cars’ needs!